Managing User Access


In this video, learn how content can be segmented within your platform.

Understanding how to manage user access within Tribe Social is crucial for optimizing content delivery and community engagement. Here's a guide to help you navigate and configure user permissions effectively.

User Access Levels

Tribe Social provides a versatile framework for granting users specific access to content. This flexibility allows you to segment users based on their engagement and payment status. Here’s an overview of the different access levels:

1. Public

  • Description: Content accessible to anyone without needing to sign in or create an account.

  • Use Case: General information, promotional materials, or introductory content to attract new users.

2. Free

  • Description: Users must create a free account to access this content.

  • Use Case: Lead generation content, basic resources, or introductory courses that require user registration.

3. Basic

  • Description: Users who have made a small payment to access content.

  • Use Case: Entry-level membership or access to basic courses and resources.

4. Premium

  • Description: Users who have made a higher payment, providing access to premium content.

  • Use Case: Advanced courses, exclusive resources, or higher-tier membership benefits.

Visual Representation

To visualize these access levels, imagine concentric circles:

  • Outer Circle: Public access content.

  • Next Circle: Free access content.

  • Following Circle: Basic access content.

  • Inner Circle: Premium access content.

This linear value ladder ensures a smooth progression from free to premium content.

Special Cases: Groups

Private and Public Groups

Groups function independently of the public/free/basic/premium structure and offer a unique way to manage exclusive content:

  • Private Groups: Access is restricted, and users must request to join or be invited.

  • Public Groups: Anyone can join without needing approval.

Use Case for Groups

  • Private Groups: Ideal for coaching programs, exclusive communities, or paid courses that require restricted access.

  • Public Groups: Suitable for general discussion forums, public community engagement, or open membership clubs.

Example: Facebook Groups

Similar to Facebook, Tribe Social allows you to create private or public groups. Private groups ensure that only approved members can access the content, while public groups are open to everyone who wishes to join.

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