Setting Up a Payment Link for Your Group on Tribe Social


This guide will walk you through setting up a payment link for your group on Tribe Social. This is ideal if you want to charge a membership or a one-time payment without the hassle of creating a full landing page or sales funnel. Follow these steps to create a seamless experience for your members.

Step 1: Create Your Group

  1. Navigate to Your Dashboard:

    • Go to your Tribe Social dashboard.

  2. Create a New Group:

    • Click on the "Groups" tab and then "Create New Group".

    • Name your group (e.g., "Paid Membership Group").

    • Leave the description blank for now.

    • Set the visibility to "Private" to control access.

    • Assign yourself as the admin.

    • Click "Save".

Step 2: Set Up Your Product in Stripe

  1. Log into Stripe:

    • Go to the Stripe dashboard.

  2. Create a New Product:

    • Click on the "Products" tab, then "Add Product".

    • Name your product (e.g., "Paid Membership Group").

    • Add a description (e.g., "Includes weekly coaching calls and unlimited tech support").

    • Upload an image (optional).

  3. Set Pricing:

    • Choose "Standard Pricing".

    • Set your price (e.g., $97).

    • Select whether it's a one-time payment or recurring (e.g., monthly, yearly).

    • You can add multiple pricing options if desired (e.g., $97/month or $997/year).

  4. Create a Payment Link:

    • After saving your product, click on "Create Payment Link".

    • Customize the checkout page settings as needed.

    • Go to the "After Payment" tab.

    • Select "Don't show a confirmation page".

    • Paste your group's Magic Link signup URL here.

Step 3: Retrieve and Use Your Group's Magic Link

  1. Get the Magic Link:

    • Go back to your Tribe Social dashboard.

    • Find your group and click on the "Magic Link Signup URL".

    • Copy the link to your clipboard.

  2. Add the Magic Link to Stripe:

    • Paste the Magic Link into the "After Payment" redirection URL field in Stripe.

    • Click "Create Link".

    • Copy the generated payment link.

Step 4: Finalize Group Settings in Tribe Social

  1. Edit Your Group:

    • Go back to your Tribe Social dashboard.

    • Edit your group and paste the Stripe payment link into the "Purchase Link" field.

    • Save your changes.

    • Add an image to your group if desired.

    • Save again.

Step 5: Test the User Experience

  1. Preview as a User:

    • Sign out of your account to view the group as a non-member.

    • Click on your group and confirm it redirects to the payment page.

    • Complete the payment process to ensure users are redirected back to your group with appropriate access.

Tips for a Seamless Experience

  • Email Confirmation: After a member makes a purchase, send a welcome email with instructions on how to log in and create a password.

  • Consistent Email: Ensure members use the same email for Stripe payments and Tribe Social to avoid access issues.

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