Tour of Group Tabs


👈 Head over to your “Groups” tab. On the right side of the pop up, you will see the ability to “check” on and off the tabs you would like to see in any particular group. Right now, the tabs that are available to our users are the Community, Events, Training, Replays, and Next Steps Tabs.

Community Tab

This is where you can enable a “Feed” within your group. A feed will allow your app users to build community through posts, comments, replies, and emoji reactions!

When the community tab is enabled, it will always be the first tab open when app users are in their app.


Categories: A community feeds will have categories for the different types of posts. By default, all apps will start with “All”, “Wins”, and “Questions”.

  • When making a post, you can select which category you would like your post to fall under.

To change default post categories, please email and we’ll change for you.

Events Tab

This is the spot where you can embed a calendar for the group you’re specifically wanting a calendar for. is recommended for your unified calendar!

You may also use Google Calendar if you’re looking for a free option.

Training Tab

This is where you will be able to add any curriculum with structured content, courses, and modules!

If you would like to change the front-facing wording of this tab to something other than “Curriculum”, please email


  • Modules

  • Progress trackers

  • Ability to click into specific pieces of content

  • Ability to mark content as “Completed”

Replays Tab

This is the tab where app users are able to review previous content from repeating events like weekly live zoom calls or live streams.


  • Live streams will be automatically added to the replay’s tab when enabled

Next Steps Tab

This is where you can provide additional resources or links to your app users. This is a great tab to use for upsell opportunities!


  • The ability to upload thumbnails

  • Offer additional information

  • Create CTA (Call to Action) buttons

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